How to conduct a compliance review

In this article, you will find a comprehensive guide outlining the steps necessary to conduct a compliance review using Wecan Comply.


Using Watchtower to check for pending elements

Review the forms received from your Relations

Request your EAM to change information

Cancel a Form Request


Use the Watchtower to check for pending elements:

watchtowe-relation-compliance-review1. Click on a Relation in the lower part of the main menu.

2. In the Watchtower tab, check for pending elements:

  • Declined > External declined Forms (3): Check the forms declined by your Relation
  • Pending > Internal validation (4): Ensure that all your forms have been shared
  • Tasks to be completed (5): Verify that you have no tasks to complete or to acknowledge
  • Compliance breach (6): Find in this list all items that require an update

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Review the forms received from your Relations:


1. Click on a Relation in the lower part of the main menu.

Tip: You don't see all your Relations in the main menu? Click on the icon  to close the All Forms menu and display a longer list of Relations.

2. Click on All Forms.

3. In the Forms > Received tab, you can see all the Received Forms from this Relation.

4. Use the Internal validation status filter to display only Forms with a Pending status.

5. Click on a Form to open it.


6. Review the information.

Tip: You can use the Highlight filter (7) to display the most recent changes since the last validation or any unanswered questions.

8. Click on the Validations menu in the right sidebar to validate or decline.


Request your EAM to change information:

How to conduct a compliance review-21. Click on a Relation in the lower part of the main menu.

2. Click on All Forms.

3. Click on Requested tab.

4. Click on a Form to open it.

Note: click on a Form with Requested status to send a new request.


How to conduct a compliance review-35. Click on Request.

How to conduct a compliance review-4

6. Optional: add a comment

7. Click on Ok.

Note: To find your comment: go to Activity page > search for the Activity > click on Show comment.

Cancel a Form Request:

how-to-cancel-request-11. Click on a Relation in the lower part of the main menu.

2. Click on All Forms.

3. Click on Requested tab.

4. Select a Form with a Pending status.

5. Click on Cancel Request.

how-to-cancel-request-26. Optional: add a comment.

7. Click on Cancel request.

Note: To find your comment: go to Activity page > search for the Activity > click on Show comment.