How to join a Company


Join a Company on Web Application

Join a Company on Mobile Application

Add a Contact Point to a Pro account from the Mobile Application


Join a Company on Web Application

You have an account?

Access to your login page: (this is an example)

You don't have an account yet?

Ask your administrator to send you an invitation link.


Join a Company on Mobile Application

join-company-2-wecan-connect-mobile.png join-company-1-wecan-connect-mobile

  1. Download Wecan Connect Mobile App
    1. From App Store (Apple) or Play Store (Android).
  2. Open the application.
  3. Press Join a Company button.
  4. Fill in:
    1. Workspace name (the name can be found in the invitation email)
    2. Email address
    3. Password
  5. Press Join a Company button.

✅ Your Pro account is now accessible from your mobile.


Tips: Already using the Web application? Download the Mobile Application directly from the Products menu.


Add a Personal account to a Pro account from the Mobile Application

  1. Tap Settings from the bottom menu.
  2. Tap Add a Personal account.
  3. Tick "I accept Wecan Connect Terms of Use".
  4. Tap Get started button.
  5. Enter your phone number.
  6. Enter the verification code you have just received.
    1. You did not receive the code? Press on Resend SMS button.
  7. Choose a Display name.
  8. Optional: set a profile picture.
  9. Tap Authorise to use biometric authentication.
  10. Tap Authorise to give access to your phone contacts.

Note: Do you see a sync button next to the name of a contact point? This means that an administrator has added you to this contact point. Click on sync to join.


Sync a Pro account

If your administrator has added you to a Contact Point, you can join it simply by using the synchronisation function.


  1. Tap Settings from the bottom menu.
  2. Tap Sync.
  3. Tap new Pro account to switch.