Manage Contacts


Add Contacts with phone numbers

Add Contact with ConnectID

Add Contacts with a list

Add Contact from the Mobile Application

Resend an invitation request

Archive a contact

Unarchive a contact


Add Contacts with phone numbers


add-contacts-with-phone-numbers-11. Click on Contacts, in the top menu.

2. Click on Add Contacts.


3. Click on Next (below With phone number).


4. Add one phone number, or several separated by commas or tab.

5. Click on Next.

add-contacts-with-phone-numbers-4-16. Consult the different statuses:

  • Blue check: contact ready to be invited by SMS
  • Red exclamation mark: phone number format error
  • Green check: user added to your contacts

7. Click on Invite contact.

Tips: You have status with the red exclamation mark? Click on Back to go to the previous step and add a new corrected file.


Add Contact with ConnectID

add-contacts-with-phone-numbers-11. Click on Contacts, in the top menu.

2. Click on Add Contacts.

add-contacts-with-connect-id-13. Click on Next (below With ConnectID).

add-contacts-with-connect-id-24. Copy and paste a ConnectID

5. Click on Search.

add-contacts-with-connect-id-36. Click on Add to contact.

✅ Contact has been added to your contact list.


Add contacts with a list

Supported format: .CSV or .XLS file

add-contacts-with-phone-numbers-11. Click on Contacts, in the top menu.

2. Click on Add Contacts.


3. Click on Next (below With .CSV or .XLS file)

add-contacts-with-list-3-14. Upload a file (XLS or CSV) from your computer.

5. Click on Next.


5. Review contacts information.

6. Click on Import contacts.

add-contacts-with-list-58. Consult the different statuses:

  • Blue check: contact ready to be invited by SMS
  • Red exclamation mark: phone number format error
  • Green check: user added to your contacts

9. Click on Invite contact.

Tips: Tips: You have status with the red exclamation mark? Click on Back button to go to the previous step and add a new corrected file.


Add Contact from the Mobile Application


Add new contact  Add new contact – 1

1. Tap Contacts from the bottom menu.

2. Tap Add new contact.

3. Type or copy past a ConnectID


Add new contact – 2 Add new contact – 3

4. Tap Search.

5. Tap Add.

✅ Contact has been added to your contact list.



Resend an invitation request

resend-invitation-link-21. Click on Contacts, in the top menu.

2. Click on Pending invitations.

3. Click on Resend to resend an invitation email.

Tips: Click on the cross icon (4) to delete the invitation request.


Archive a Contact


1. Click on Contacts, in the top menu.

2. Click on Active contacts (this is the default page).

3. Click on a contact from the list.

4. In the Archived section of the right sidebar, click on the toggle to archive contact.

Note: You cannot archive contacts managed by your company.


Unarchive a contact


1. Click on Contacts, in the top menu.

2. Click on Archived contacts.

3. Click on a contact from the list.

4. In the Archived section of the right sidebar, click on the toggle  to archive contact.