Manage Workflows


Creating and editing Workflows

Using Workflows in Wecan Comply


Creating and editing Workflows


1. Click on Settings, in the top menu.

2. In the Vault Settings section, select a Vault then click on the Workflows menu.

3. Click on Create button.

4. Choose a Workflow name.

5. Click on Create step.

6. Click on a step to edit it.


7. Choose a step name.

8. Choose the type of validation:

9. Select users and groups by clicking on the drop-down menus.

10. Click on Save.

Tips: Click on Delete button to remove a step.


11. Click on Save.

Caution: you cannot delete a Workflows.


Using Workflows in Wecan Comply

Workflows allow you to set up validation systems. Today you can only create and edit sequential workflows.

Available Workflows:

  • Sequential: a series of steps to be respected, validation of one step triggers the request for validation of the next group. Ex: Finance Team THEN Legal Team
  • Conditional: a series of steps that can be carried out in parallel. Certain conditions can be applied. Ex: Finance Team OR Legal Team
  • Forced: certain workflows cannot be modified to reflect legal and standardisation issues.

Explanation of permissions by users according to their roles:

  Create Add to Template of Form Edit Deactivate
Wecan Admin Yes Yes (for Template) Yes Yes
Super Admin  No Yes Yes Yes
Admin No Yes Yes Yes
Full-Control No No No No
Read-Only No No No No