Request update on a specific Signature Card
Request to multiple Relations:
1. Go to a EAM Signature Card Collection.
2. Click on Request & Receive tab.
3. Check/uncheck Versions to select them.
4. Click on Request button.
5. In the Relations menu, click on a Relation to add it to your selection.
6. Optional: add a comment
7. Click on Request forms.
Note: To find your comment: go to Activity page > search for the Activity > click on Show comment.
Request update on a specific Signature Card:
1. Click on a Relation in the lower part of the main menu.
2. Click on EAM Signature Card Collection.
3. Click on Received tab.
4. Select Form(s).
5. Click on Request.
6. Optional: add a comment.
7. Click on Request.
Note: To cancel a Request: select a form > click on Cancel Request
Note 2: To find your comment: Go to Activity page > search for the Activity > click on Show comment.