Release Notes - 12.09.2024

Read a detailed list of what's new in Wecan Comply.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Data deletion

releasenote-115-1We have introduced the data deletion feature. This functionality is now available at the Sub-vaults, Versions, and Forms levels. Only admins can delete data.

  • If you delete a Sub-vault: all associated versions and forms will also be deleted. This deletion ensures that all data relating to a customer, for example, is deleted.
  • If you delete a Version: all associated forms will be deleted.

Important: All data deletions are permanent.There is no โ€˜binโ€™ to recover your data. Please note that if you delete a received Form, the Relation will need to approve the deletion request.

Learn more about data deletion


๐Ÿ“ข Request update on a specific Form

releasenote-115-2You can now request an update on a specific Form. This allows you, for example, to ask your contact to update a Form and add a comment to this request.

Note: you now have the option to cancel a request, for example, in case of an error.

Learn more


๐Ÿ’ฌ Comments now viewable in Activities and Tasks

releasenote-115-3We have centralized most comments under Activities and Tasks. Comments related to validation can also be viewed directly from the validation panel of each form.


๐Ÿ–ผ๏ธ Company Logo on Export

Your company's logo now appears when exporting your forms.